Youths must take the helm for change - krishivabrothers

relation never dies but it begets. यो हाम्रो निजी ब्लग हो । यसमा प्रकाशित हुने व्यक्तिगत, सामाजिक, सामुदायिक, सरकारी, गैर सरकारी, अन्तराष्ट्रिय तथा विश्वमा भएका समसामयिक घटना तथा विषय वस्तुको बारेमा प्रकाशन गरिने गरिन्छ । खास गरि यसमा हाम्रो मूलुकमा भएका समसामयिक विषय वस्तुमा आधारित भएर लेख तथा रचनाहरु संरक्षित हुने छन् । प्रकाशित लेख तथा रचनालाई कुनै पनि किसिमको नक्कल गर्नु कानुन अनुसार बर्जित गरिएको छ ।

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Thursday, May 25, 2017


Youths must take the helm for change


Youths must take the helm for change

Our political system has not been in constancy for very long time. We have faced various political movements for democratic political systems since long. We, youths, became supporters to the entire regime in different times and periods.  Now, we are in the democratic political system, which is rewarded as the best political system of the world, but it has become the nastiest to us. Neither the political system got the changed nor the people; it just begot the leaders and political parties’ fractions. We are in too much political consciousness, notionally but our trend and behavior towards the political ethics are not developed yet.
We, youths always talked towards positive attitude for the good and best leaders of the any political parties before the elections. Some, leaders who has the good political, economically, social and systematically knowledge, they think youths are behind us, we can change the traditional political system with the help and supports of the neutral youths people. But when the election is declared, or near the election, it becomes vain and these new party leaders become worthless and useless. It raises the questions why we could not be same for all the time. Is our existing political parties has the bloody relation with their favour party, can't we change the system, can only political parties and their leader change the system? Aren't we culpable for political transitional time and period? 
We youths are the driver of the nations, it's been saying all the time, and it's the exact. We are young in age only not the views and the novelty. Why couldn't we deserve the leading, why we are the back supporters of the traditional political leaders and their parties? Every political parties opens their manifesto we have youths and our leaders are youth, youth will be handover our authorities to the youths in coming elections and convention. But when the election and convention near our leaders change their voice, you are not capable and suitable, your political qualification and scarification is not matured to the party and the social, and you have to be sacrificed more and more for some time. 
We youths wait and wait to that time for our sacrificed matured, then we became matured and we also repeat the same voice to the youths, because we have learnt only that system, which we learnt and our schooling school us. So, we youths never changed till now, we ruin many leaders and political parties which opened based on our neutral views and thoughts before the election. It's not good, if we are not changed from the customary political system, and select the best and good leader ever, we have to face such political transitional period as of now. We have proved that we are the driver of the nation not the customary political parties.
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It was publised on on 17th May 2017

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